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Child Support, Custody, Time Sharing, Parenting Plans, and Relocation


Children add unique elements to divorce cases, creating several additional questions which must be answered. In which house will the child or children spend the majority of their time?  What constitutes being a custodial parent?  What if one parent wants to move out of state?  How do overnights and child support payments get calculated?  How will you resolve differences in lifestyle choices and religion as it relates to the children?  These questions, and many more, must be answered when children are involved in divorce.


Each family’s situation is different, and what starts out as an uncontested, relatively simple divorce, often becomes quite contentious.  When this happens, reaching an agreement with the other party becomes daunting, if not entirely impossible.  Vecchione & Associates, P.A. has helped countless families facing these types of highly contested situations.  We have had great success in coming up with resolutions, whether through mediation or litigation.  We have a common sense approach to conflict resolution, and are able to think outside the box when appropriate.  Vecchione & Associates, P.A. is a solution-focused law firm, and we believe there is a solution to every problem.


Because Vecchione & Associates, P.A. is focused primarily on family-law, we stay current with the relevant legal matters, and treat each case as a top priority.  We do not consider ourselves a nine-to-five legal office, so you can rest assured your case will get the attention it deserves.    


Contact Vecchione & Associates, P.A. today to discuss your family case and legal needs.  Our firm can assist you with…


  • child custody and visitation
  • child support and non-payment of child support
  • child support and alimony modifications
  • establishing paternity
  • domestic violence and restraining orders


Amicable solutions, using diplomacy and tact, is always our goal.  Reaching agreements through mediation is nearly always better than undergoing costly litigation.  Realistically, however, we know this is not always possible.  In such an event, Vecchione & Associates, P.A. is at the ready when it’s time to fight for your rights and legal needs. 


Contact Vecchione & Associates, P.A. today, to find out how we can help you. After-hours and weekend meetings are available by appointment. Our fees are reasonable and we are willing to work with clients regarding fee arrangements. Major credit cards accepted.






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